Rowing 101

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New to rowing? Here’s a crash course in rowing lingo:

Rowers row on the water and erg on the ergometer.

Sweep vs Scull –  Sweep rowing each rower has 1 oar,  sculling each rower has 2 oars (BCS/WAHS rowers scull);

Sweep – pair, four, or eight;  Scullsingle, double, or quad

Sculler–  A rower who rows with two oars, one in each hand.

X scull entry (1x, 2x, 4x), if X is not listed it is a sweep boat

+ Coxed boat (2+, 4+) (No coxed boats at BCS/WAHS)

Head Race –  Fall rowing season, head races are 5K (3.1 miles).  Staggered start time means you don’t know the winner until all the boats are finished.  Boats race for time, not each other.

Regattas –  Spring rowing season,  scholastic regatta are 1500 meters (SRAA, Youth Nationals, Collegiate, and Olympic regattas are 2000 meters)

Freshmen (FR) – all rowers must be freshmen in the boat

Novice (N) – Rower in their first year of rowing (does not have to be a freshman)

Junior (JR) –A rower who is not a senior

2K– 2000 meter timed erg piece

ERG (ergometer) – indoor rowing machine

Shell – boat used for rowing

Stroke or stroke seat – The rower closest to the stern of the boat, responsible for the stroke rate and rhythm.

Bow – The front section of a shell; the first section of the shell to cross the finish line.

Bow seat – In coxless boats, often the person who keeps an eye on the water behind him to avoid accidents.


                 Regatta Central



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